Tuesday, March 8, 2011

snow days

holy shit, today was the second snow day in a row this week. as odd as it sounds, i miss school. these snow days are getting kinda old. today i'm going to bitch about a bumper sticker i keep on seeing.   
my personal belief is that it is a woman's right to choose weather or not she wants to have a child. not every pregnancy is a choice, so why should every child birth be forced. the fact of the matter is that in our society, people have sex a lot, and a high percentage of it is unprotected. i dont agree with using abortion as a form of birth control, but if a woman gets pregnant by mistake, knows she isn't ready to bring a child into the world and doesn't have the financial means, she shouldn't be made destroy her own life & body, and the life of her child. nobody remembers when they were a 3 month old fetus, so what would it matter if the problem was solved before it started.

i tend to get really frustrated with people who are religious, conservative, republican, or pro life. honestly, they all seem to go hand in hand. the reason i get frustrated with these motherfuckers is because they are always so close minded. it's as if anything outside the norm of [boring job X (white penis + white vagina) / church on Sundays  = happy white family] is a threat to their own twisted humanity. i'm pretty sure that the god in their religion gave them all a set of 10 commandments, and one of them is to treat people the way you want to be treated. so my next question is: how in the fuck is going to a local planned parenthood and protesting with pictures of bloody fetuses in young womens faces and making them cry, or going to soldiers funerals and protesting their homophobic beliefs considered treating people the way you'd like to be treated? it isn't. ;)

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