Thursday, April 7, 2011

how to tell if you're a redneck

everyone could benefit from the awareness of this topic.
nobody likes a redneck so if you think you may be one, or you think you know someone who may be one, answer the following questions.

  1. in the past 24 hours have you thought about engaging in sexual activities with one or more of the game animals?
  2. do you own a truck?
  3. do you refer to your truck as your child?
  4. when masturbating; do you find yourself fantasizing about your siblings?
  5. is your mother also your aunt?
  6. if granted 3 wishes, would those wishes include : a brand new shotgun, camo clothing, a degree as an auto engineer, a 200 Lb deer, a fishing trophy?
  7. are you completely socially ignorant and okay with the fact that everyone who matters on this earth fucking hates you and the dip in your lip?
if you have answered yes to the majority of these questions, you should probably light yourself on fire, cut your stomach open, and hang yourself for the world to see.
(tweedle dee)

(tweedle dumb)

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