Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homeless rights

how do homeless people have any less rights that the average man living in america? for starters, very few people are actually born homeless. when a child is born into this world without a roof over its head, it ought to be taken away or put into states custody. usually; homeless people have a house, job, car, family to start off with. because of their continual drug/alcohol use they lose it.
1.) thats their own fault; so how could they even have the balls to feel entitled to any of the governments free services.
2.) perhaps if they stopped spending all of their hard earned pan-handling dollars on crack they would have enough money to spend on a car of even a small apartment with one of their other homeless friends.
3.) people need to stop justifying their actions. saying that "after being homeless for a month your animal instincts come out and its hard to tame those" bullshit!! we're humans, not coyotes, and weather or not you have a place to sleep at night, loitering is still loitering. so find a local fucking COTS!
4.) people who are homeless by choice are ungrateful fucks who deserve to be treated with no respect or hospitality.

saying that a homeless man has less rights than a working-class citizen is like saying that cardboard feels better if you glue broken glass to it. there are gas stations all over the country that would love a new janitor or shelve stalker, its a matter of getting off the park bench and asking for an application thats at hand, and not one of morals or guilt.

the message that I'm unsuccessfully trying to communicate is that weather or not by choice you're homeless, there is something that can be done about it. i have family that directs homeless/emergency shelters where the purpose is to provide a bed, and food until they get back on their feet. the resources are there, and if they aren't taken advantage of; then really, who's fault is it? the state isn't going to employ people to wipe a homeless ass. responsibility is still responsibility. every state has a department of labor and a shelter to be used, so use them to your advantage.

one more thing; i am so sick of seeing bums at the library on Facebook! seriously what the fuck is up with that? like; dont you see your homeless friends enough on the streets that you shouldn't have to send them messages about where you are? you're probably going to see them on your way out the door.

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